Wednesday, December 6, 2017

How To Improve Click Through Rate

DKDE || ||
Today I'm going to talk to you about how to improve your click-through rate inside of Google this is a really important topic if you can take your click-through rate from 10 percent to 20 percent then you're going to be getting a lot more traffic on those individual impressions that come in,

What is a click-through rate

A click-through rate is how many times somebody clicks on something as after seeing it a certain amount of time.

if you have 100 impressions and you have a 2% click-through rate, that means out of the 100 people 2% of people clicked on it and that resulted in two visitors to your website.

The most important thing is what happens next you know does that person eventually turn into a conversion so it's important that you have a high click-through rate and then you also have a high conversion rate because that's how you run your online business

when we're looking at improving click-through rates one of the main ways you can do this and the most important thing is to first get a baseline,

if you go inside of Google search console,  Google search console has a report that's going to show you the pages that you have inside of Google and what the click-through rate is for those pages and what the keywords are that those pages are ranking for and how many times those keywords have been clicked on.

the most important thing is to look at the pages, look at the click-through rate for those pages and the keywords associated with those pages determine a baseline and then try to determine which pages have a really good click-through rate and then which pages have a really bad click-through rate.

Those ones that ever really good click-through rate take a look at and try to think why do these pages have such a great click-through rate and for the ones that have a really bad one put those into another bucket because those are going to be the ones that you're gonna want to improve.

once you know the ones that you're going to want to improve a great thing to do is look at your AdWord's ads, try to find out the ads that you have that have actually the best click-through rates on them.

take a look at those and then also take a look at the pages inside a Google search console that have the highest click-through rates.

try to figure out the similarities between the two and then look at the specific content that you have that isn't performing as well and develop a series of titles in descriptions that are going to be able to be showing up in Google.

actually, the title in the description is the things that are pulled from the code of your website that shows up on Google and try to determine how are you going to write better titles 

write better descriptions so that you can put actually improve your click-through rate once you've done that and you've written the better titles and descriptions do a fetch as Googlebot

through Google search console that's gonna allow those to be get picked up that's gonna allow those to show up on Google and so you'll actually know that that content has been indexed and Google is able to actually test - you're actually able to see if the information about showing up in the Google search console click-through rate report is going to be valid for a test

once you have that in there keep in mind that Google search console is always has a little bit of a lag so it's gonna a couple take a couple days even once it gets indexed and starts showing up correctly to see whether or not the click-through rates have improved

you know that you have the right information in the index make sure you put an annotation inside of Google Analytics so that you can save that information and you're gonna want to keep an eye on it and look at your period over period report inside a Google search console.

once it's indexed you look at the click-through rates before and the click-through rates after it's best if you kind of run the report for a couple weeks you want to have at least a thousand or a couple thousand visitors worth of data on that to make sure that your results aren't skewed but if you see improvements on what you changed that's a really good indicator that you can take that and those changes that you made and roll them out to other titles and other descriptions on your website as well

another a couple important things to think about in regards to click-through rates is that many times titles and descriptions are written on websites on a template by template basis.

individual pages might have their own unique titles and descriptions but categories will have a template that's used on every single one of them so if that's the case making some changes to that template can have a dramatic impact on click-through rates for you throughout your entire section of that website

in many cases, this is done because you're using on the page and Google has determined that you have a high-quality website is just something that you put in the code of your website that gives Google a little bit more information about the page.

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