Wednesday, December 27, 2017

How To Build A Chatbot

DKDE || || 

Chatbots are all the rage right now everybody's talking about an in digital marketing for better for worse so in this Article I'm gonna tell you all about chatbots

that how to make one and how to use one and to be successful and then some of the things that you need to read out for so let's go to Start.

What is a ChatBot?

How To Build A Chatbot

Well, a chatbot is just a way to interact with somebody somewhere. it can be on your website it can be on Facebook.

it can be through another social media platform it's a chat feature that allows you to interact with a live person.

when it comes to chatbox there's a lot of different kinds of a lot of different websites. 

there are news chatbots
travel chatbots 
chatbots for E-commerce sites 
chatbots for lead generation sites.

there's a lot of different types of chatbots and purposes that they have so one of the things you're going to want to think about first is what's the purpose of your chatbot before you even start thinking about building one.

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Facebook Messenger platform
One of the most popular places to have a chatbot is the Facebook messenger platform so the Facebook messenger platform allows you to create a chatbot that interacts with the platform.

and the messenger platform has been rolled out so that you can out actually use that on websites as well now 

it's not just Facebook you can also use the messenger platform on your website so that creates two kinds of great areas where you can interact with somebody on a chatbot or another a chatbot can interact with somebody for you 

that's going to be on your website and on Facebook and what's great is that Facebook has built kind of a core technology that allows this messenger chatbot to be even more effective.

there's something called the bot engine and that's kind of the core chatbot platform that Facebook has created for building chatbots so what's really great about the engine 

is it allows you to kind of add these elements of artificial intelligence to your chatbot meaning that it's gonna learn a bit over time it's gonna get smarter and so that's a really big reason to build your chatbot through messenger because you've already got some of this great core functionality?

Chatbot platforms for websites 
There's a lot of easy ways to build a chatbot and the first one is gonna be a tool called 


How To Build A Chatbot

Botsify is one of the main platforms to build a chatbot with and it's very easy and intuitive.

2. Chatfuel 

How To Build A Chatbot

This allows you to also build a chatbot without any coding knowledge.


How To Build A Chatbot allows you to build a chatbot and it also has a really cool flowchart feature which basically allows you to see how your chatbot would interact with a user at certain times.

and that's really important right especially for the purpose of depending on the purpose of your chatbot.

you're going to want to make sure that you're looking at where the user is and thinking about how you're gonna channel them to whatever the potential goal is that you're gonna have whether that's customer service and e-commerce conversion or Legion or even showing them a news story.

4. Flow XO

How To Build A Chatbot
The reasons a lot of people go with flow XO is because this option allows you to integrate with over a hundred different integrations

and that can be really powerful especially for businesses that have complex systems in place.

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that's it for chatbots today I really recommend that you get out there you give it a shot try one of these platforms build something for Facebook 

see if you can also integrate it with your website and who knows it could really improve some efficiencies for you and help lower the amount of staff that you have on the customer service site and know that with pretty much all of these options there's always triggers for a handoff and a handoff would be when the bot has kind of reached its limits and it can go to a real person.

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