Friday, December 14, 2018

3 Things to Make Sure Before Publishing Your Content In 2019

What is plagiarism exactly?

3 Things to Make Sure Before Publishing Your Content In 2019

Plagiarism has many definitions in different industries of work. Essentially, it is the use of someone’s intellectual property. The content is copied without their permission and often times faked as one’s own. This is highly unethical and it can lead to a bad reputation, even strict consequences in some cases as we shall discuss.

3 Things to Make Sure Before Publishing Your Content In 2019

 In academics, asking someone to write a report for you will count as plagiarism. Copying someone else’s work will also be plagiarism. Plagiarism in academic writing will lead to suspension often times. You can easily remove plagiarism by using an online tool.

In the web content creation industry, plagiarism mainly refers to the copying of someone’s content. The content is shared on a new website and faked as one’s own. In this case, it leads to a lot of criticism if caught. This is not only wrong but search engines have their own ways of penalizing for websites that plagiarize.

What can plagiarism lead to?

Like mentioned before, plagiarism is considered highly unethical. It is frowned upon. But what is more, search engines can penalize websites that plagiarize. Plagiarism can’t be detected in terms of what website is copying content off what websites. 

3 Things to Make Sure Before Publishing Your Content In 2019

However, search engines are intelligent enough to detect when two websites have the same content. In this case, both the websites are ranked lower. Often times people plagiarize assuming that when one website is being ranked high for its quality content, the same rules will apply for the website that copies the content. That does not remain the case for long. 

As mentioned before, rankings go downhill as soon as plagiarism is detected. Likewise, websites should keep an eye on other websites who may be copying content from you. This is because both the websites are penalized when plagiarism is detected. A piece of web content can hold a lot of value. It depends on the kind of content that you are creating. However, with the right set of techniques, you are up for a treat. Here are 3 things you should make sure before publishing any content on your website.

1. It should be plagiarism free

Plagiarized content not only gets its own website bad rankings but it also affects the website that the content is copied from. That is horrible. Plagiarism is an unethical practice that is frowned up. In the long term, it won’t bring you any luck. 

3 Things to Make Sure Before Publishing Your Content In 2019

If you are into web content creation to own a website and make a great living out of it, plagiarism is not the way to go. Use any online plagiarism checker that will browse the web and see if there is any content that resembles with your content. 

You should be good to go after that. It only takes a couple of seconds but it can save your website big time in the long term, especially in the cases where plagiarism is done unintentionally.

2. It should have flawless grammar

Search engines determine the readability of your content in a few ways. The first is the overall structure of your content. This means that your content should be divided into paragraphs. Use of subheadings is important.

3 Things to Make Sure Before Publishing Your Content In 2019

You should make sure that the wording that you are using should target the right audience. What this means is that if you are writing a pregnancy article for women who are first delivering a baby for the first time, you will make use of simple vocabulary in comparison to when writing about pregnancy for medical students. Likewise, grammar is an important factor in determining the overall readability of your blog. 

The best thing to do is to work on your own grammar and improve it in the long term. However, you can use a grammar checker tool to be on the safe side for now. You can install Grammarly on your computer so that you correct your grammar as you type your blog or you can use a grammar checker tool once you are done with the content. Just copy and paste the content. The tool will tell you where there are grammatical mistakes spotted in the content. There will also be recommendations on how you can improve on that content as you keep going.

3. It should have an optimum keyword density

In modern SEO, if you don’t have an optimum keyword density, you are not ranking on search engines. Keywords are used by search engines to see how relevant your content is to the search terms. Likewise, search engines are aware of the fact that keyword density is used as a deliberate technique to try and trick the search engines into ranking spam websites. 

3 Things to Make Sure Before Publishing Your Content In 2019

This is why only a keyword density between 2 to 3 percent is considered optimum. If your keyword density is too high, it means that your content is spam. If your keyword density is too low, search engines won’t be able to consider your content as relevant for that search term. 

You can use a keyword density checker to see what keywords you can rank for. You can use multiple keywords at once. Likewise, you can make use of Google AdWords to see what keywords are already ranking. This way, you shall be able to incorporate the terms deliberately in your content.

If you make sure that every blog post on your website has the above mentioned 3 qualities, you are aligning with Google’s policies for 3 major ranking factors. Good luck!

Guest Post By Hassan From

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