Thursday, November 22, 2018

Cara Mengatasi Touch ID Iphone Tidak Berfungsi / Eror

Mengatasi Touch ID Iphone Tidak Berfungsi

DKDE || ||
Banyak sekali para pengguna Iphone yang
mengeluh di karenakan Touch ID di Iphone Tidak berfungsi.

"Coba Lagi - Tidak dapat membaca sidik jari ini. Coba lagi menggunakan jari yang berbeda."

Seperti itulah pesan yang di dapat ketika sedang menambahakan sidik jari, kasus ini banyak sekali terjadi di seri Iphone 5s dan Iphone 6 series. Memang ketika Fingerprint di iphone eror pengguna iphone menjadi risih dikarenakan harus membuka kunci layar iphone nya harus dengan cara manual lain hal nya dengan menggunakan Sensor Sidik Jari, hanya dengan sekali sentuhan kunci layar di iphone akan otomatis terbuka.

Baca juga : Cara Mengatasi Samsung J1 Ace Odin Mode Multi Core Download

Penyebab Touch ID Iphone Tidak Berfungsi

  • Kesalahan system iOS
  • Gagal Upgrade iOS
  • Sensor Touch ID Iphone rusak

Buat kalian pengguna Iphone yang mengalami Touch ID Tidak dapat membaca sidik jari bisa mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini.

Cara Mengatasi Touch ID / Fingerprint Tidak Berfungsi Di Iphone

  • Pastikan tombol home di Iphone bersih tidak ada air, minyak dan kotoran sedikitpun yang menempel di tombol home, gunakan kain yang tidak ada serat untuk membersihkan nya.
  • Bersikan jari yang ingin di gunakan sebagai Touch ID / Sidik Jari, pastikan jari anda kering dan tidak ada kotoran / debu yang menempel di jari anda.
  • Ketika mendaftar Touch ID atau Fingerprint pastikan cincin logam di tombol home iphone benar-benar tertutupi dengan jari.
  • Gunakan jari yang lain untuk mendaftar Touch ID.

Jika langkah-langkah di atas Touch ID iphone masih tidak dapat memindai sidik jari lakukan langkah-langkah di bawah ini.

Mengatasi Sidik Jari Di Iphone Eror Tidak Berfungsi

Restart Iphone

Cara pertama yang paling mudah mengatasi Touch ID iphone Eror adalah dengan cara melakukan restart atau memulai ulang perangkat Iphone. setelah perangkat Iphone di restart coba daftar kembali Touch ID.

Hapus Semua Sidik Jari Yang Terdaftar
(Lewati langkah ini jika tidak ada Sidik Jari yang terdaftar di Iphone)

Jika merestart Iphone Touch ID masih saja tidak merespon coba dengan cara menghapus Sidik Jari yang sudah terdaftar di Iphone. Setelah menghapus semua Sidik Jari yang terdaftar coba kembali mendaftar Sidik Jari.

Mengatur Ulang Iphone Ke Pengaturan Pabrik

Jika dua cara di atas Touch ID Iphone masih saja tidak berfungsi, coba Reset Iphone ke pengaturan pabrik. Ketika Iphone di atur ulang ke setelan pabrik semua data-data yang tersimpan di dalam nya akan hilang termasuk data sidik jari. Jadi cobalah untuk melakukan reset Iphone ke pengaturan pabrik untuk memperbaiki Touch ID yang Eror. (Lakukan Backup sebelum mengatur ulang Iphone).
Downgrade iOS

Jika Touch ID Iphone Tetap Tidak Merespon setelah melakukan Upgrade iOS alangkah baik nya lakukan Downgrade iOS ke versi iOS sebelum nya. Kejadian seperti ini banyak sekali yang mengalami nya, setelah Upgrade iOS Touch ID jadi tidak berfungsi jadi cobalah untuk melakukan downgrade iOS ke versi iOS sebelum nya.

Kerusakan Pada Hardware

Jika cara di atas Touch ID Iphone masih saja tidak berfungsi kemungkinan besar di sebapkan karena kerusakan pada Hardware Touch ID di Iphone yang menyebapkan Touch ID Iphone Menjadi Eror. Bawa Iphone anda Ke Sevice Center Terpercaya untuk mengganti komponen Touch ID yang mengalami kerusakan.

Jadi itulah Cara Mengatasi Touch ID Iphone Yang Tidak Berfungsi. Jika ada yang ingin di tanyakan silahkan bertanya di kolom komentar. Saya dari team MauTrik Meminta maaf jika ada salah-salah kata.

Terimakasih telah membaca artikel ini jangan lupa untuk di share ke teman-teman pengguna iphone yang menggalami kerusaka  pada Touch ID di Iphone dan sekali lagi Terimakasih.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Cara Root Samsung J2 Tanpa Pc Work 100%

DKDE || ||

Cara Root Samsung J2 Tanpa Pc -
Perlu kalian ketahui Root Samsung J2 dapat menyebapkan hilang nya garansi dari vendor,ngeroot samsung j2 juga dapat menyebapkan kerusakan pada system.

Jikal kalian sudah paham resiko dan kerugian root samaung galaxy j2 langsung saja ikuti tutorial ini sampai dengan selesai.

Sebelum memulai proses root samsung j2 saya sarankan untuk melakukan FULL BACKUP data-data penting yang ada hp samsung j2 kalian.
Segala resiko diluar tanggung jawab saya!!!

Baca juga :

Cara Root Samaung J2 Tanpa Pc Work 100%

Work For All Samsung J2

Bahan yang di butuhkan

Flashable SuperSU - download disini

  1.  Matikan handphone samsung j2 kalian dan masuk ke mode recovery dengan cara menekan tombol kombinasi ( Tombol POWER + HOME dan VOLUME UP/ATAS )
  2. Setelah masuk ke mode recovery pilih menu INSTALL - Cari file FLASHABLE-SUPERSU-V2.82.ZIP yang sudah kalian download
  3. Geser kekanan pada SWIPE TO CONFIRM FLASH, tunggu hingga proses penginstalan selesai.
  4. Setelah proses penginstalan selesai pilih WIPE DALVIK/CHACE, tunggu hingga proses wipe selesai
  5. Jika proses wipe telah selesai pilih REBOOT tunggu hingga handphone samsung j2 kalian masuk ke home screen
  6. Proses root samsung j2 telah selesai

Jadi itulah Cara Root Samsung J2 Tanpa Pc, jangan lupa untuk Share artikel ini ke teman-teman kalian.
Terimakasih Salam MauTrik

Sunday, November 18, 2018

5 Cara Mengatasi Lag Saat Bermain Mobile Legends Pasti Lancar

Cara Mengatasi Lag Saat Bermain Game Mobile Legends - Jika kalian para gamers sering banget mengalami lag saat bermain mobile legends, maka kalian wajib banget baca beberapa cara mengatasi lag di mobile legends yang akan mautrik bagikan ke kalian.

Maka dari itu mautrik mau kasih trik ke kalian kusus nya buat player mobile legends tentang cara bermain mobile legends tidak lag dan patah-patah.

Berikut ini mautrik akan bagikan bagaimana cara mengatasi lag saat bermain mobile legends, sehingga kalian tidak kesal saat sedang push rank.

Inilah Cara Mengatasi Lag di Mobile Legends (ML) Supaya Menjadi Lancar

Baca juga : Script skin mobile legends anti banned terbaru

1. Gunakan Jaringan Yang Cepat dan Setabil

Banyak sekali provider penyedia jaringan internet di indonesia, pilih lah jaringan internet yang cepat di daerah kalian cek provider jaringan mana yang paling cepat dan setabil jadi pandai-pandailah kalian untuk memilih jika kalian ingin lancar saat bermain mobile legends

2. Matikan Fitur Penghemat Baterai

Ketika fitur peng hemat baterai aktif di handphone kalian maka kinerja handphone menjadi berkurang, maka lebih baik nonaktifkan saja  fitur penghemat baterai di hp kalian supaya kinerja handphone kalian menjadi lebih cepat, agar tidak lag saat bermain mobile legends.

3. Nonaktifkan Aplikasi Yang Berjalan di Latar Belakang

Aplikasi yang berjalan di latar belakang sering sekali membuat ram menjadi semakin nyesek, supaya bermain mobile legends tidak lag karena free ram yang hanya sedikit maka dari itu  nonaktifkan saja aplikasi yang sedang berjalan di latar belakang agar free ram yang di dapat menjadi lebih besar.

4. Ubah Kualitas Grafik Game Mobile Legends Ke Opsi Rendah

Jika handphone yang kalian gunakan untuk bermain game mobile legends hanya menggunkan spesifikasi renda,h lebih baik ubah kualitas grafik game mobile legends kalian ke kualitas rendah, walaupun kurang enak di lihat nya tetapi ini adalah salah satu poin penting supaya bermain mobile legends tidak mengalami lag.

5. Gunakan Aplikasi Game Booster

Aplikasi game booster berfungsi untuk memaksimalakan kinerja handphone kalian saat sedang bermain game.
Aplikasi game booster bekerja dengan cara membatasi background process di handphone kalian.
Dengan menggunakan aplikasi game booster mematikan background process yang tidak di butuhkan.

Download aplikasi game booster : download

Jadi itulah 5 cara mengatasi lag di mobile legends yang bisa kalian coba, gunakan cara tersebut supaya tidak lag saat bermain mobile legends.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

NodeJs vs Ruby On Rails Which is the best for web development

Today I'm Sharing my experince about 2 well-known technologies NodeJs vs Ruby On Rails Which is the best for web development. In fact, we will compare them.

Let’s consider both technologies’ advantages and disadvantages before making any conclusions.

NodeJs vs Ruby On Rails Which is the best for web development

Why Ruby on Rails?

  • Ruby on Rails is a framework based on its own language. It was created in 2004 also called Rails.
  • This technology has stakes in bug-free products, so it has a testing tool called Minitest.

Code Quality

NodeJs vs Ruby On Rails Which is the best for web development

This tool provides developers with such testing facilities as TDD (Test-driven development), and BDD (Behavior-driven development).

If you thoughtfully follow the TDD (Test-driven development), and BDD (Behavior-driven development). they will help you to test all the project's code and also provide you with well-performed architecture.

Time efficiency

This framework contains a lot of solutions like plugins and various modules. that is the thing that it leads to a faster development process and also helps you to avoid writing common code.

Top 15 Programming Languages of 2019

Another factor of this framework time-efficiency is the presence of Model View Controller (MVC). developers can work on projects synchronously by sharing their responsibilities.


It is basic to take care of the number of requests your project is able to along with in advance.

For example, one of the famous companies that use this framework is Shopify that processes around 4 million requests every second.


Rails have a variety of security-related features that are enabled from the very beginning of the framework usage. at the same time, its use requires the necessity to follow such complex processes as Secure Development Lifecycle.

Why Node.js?

NodeJs vs Ruby On Rails Which is the best for web development

  • NodeJs is a platform which is written in JavaScript Programming language.
  • Nodejs developers can build web servers with this language and also can build networking tools.


  • Powered by Google Node technology really high running speed.
  • One more important thing about Nodejs is that it allows running the code written by programmers much faster.

Data Streaming

Data streaming with Nodejs really looks better, so Programmers can feel Node.js advantages when implementing something like processing files during their upload.

Single CodeBase

programmers have an opportunity to write both client-side and server-side code that fact contributes a lot to time-efficiency since it allows sending and synchronizing data easily between these two sides.

Which One to Choose?

NodeJs vs Ruby On Rails Which is the best for web development

Node.js performance has raised dramatically for the last 5 years leaving Ruby far behind in some peculiar cases.

The job market also shows that Ruby on Rails technology is losing its positions, while Node development in contrary continues to strengthen its position yearly.

For instance, LinkedIn has replaced their back-end built on Ruby on Rails by Node.js because of reasons related to performance and scalability.

Pros and Cons of Ruby on Rails

This language is quite flexible and can be ported to any platform by means of database migration. from another hand, Ruby on Rails requires lots of processing power and its speed is relatively slow.

Pros and Cons of Node.JS

it is fast and easy to support. Add to these, the ability of the language to deal with both client and server side and the fact it is demanded on the market.

For example, its unstable API and the lack of developers on the market.

As for me, I prefer using Node.js for my projects. I have an extensive experience of work with this technology and I like its technical aspects like the speed and the fact it is asynchronous so we can do several operations simultaneously while querying.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Cara Nuyul Hago di Android 2018

MauTrik - Halo teman-teman kali ini mautrik maukasih trik nihh kekalian, cara nuyul hago di android terbaru.
Tutorial nuyul hago ini sudah pasti aman dari banned jadi kalian bisa nuyul hago sepuas nya.

Baca juga : Cara Nuyul Adfly Tanpa Pc

Langsumg aja simak tutorial cara nuyul hago menggunakan android

Cara Nuyul Hago di Android 2018

  • Siapkan akun Google yang masih fresh (belum terkait dengan hago), jika belum punya silahkan daftar disini
  • Salin link reff hago kalian lalu simpan di note/catatan
  • Uninstal aplikasi hago yang sudah ada di hp kalian
  • Masuk ke Playstore login menggunakan akun google yang baru di buat / yang masih fresh
  • Buka link reff hago kalian menggunakan browser, nanti akan otomatis masuk ke playstore
  • Download aplikasi hago nya, setelah selesai mendownload dan sudah terpasang silahkan buka aplikasi hago nya dan login menggunakan akun google yang masih fresh
Ulangi langkah-langkah tersebut dari awal jika kalian membutuhkan reff yang banyak.
    Nahh jadi itulah tutorial nuyul hago menggunakan android terbaru 2018

    Jika di antara kalian ada yang tidak paham silahkan bertanya di kolom komentar dan jangan lupa untuk di share ke teman-teman kalian.
    Terimakasih salam

    Top 15 Programming Languages of 2019

    Today I'm talking about top 15 programming languages so as you know year to year the number of programming languages increasing the same as the sphere where they're applied.

    that's why I have conducted research to find out the most promising languages for Programmers.

    8 Programming languages guarantee for bright career

    I have prepared for you several rankings from different sources however before we start let's consider languages themselves.

    Top 15 Programming Languages of 2019

    1. JAVA

    Top-15-Programming-Languages of 2019

    it is one of the most popular programming languages in the world Java is not only a core language for Android development but also a cross-platform solution it means that you may run a software written in Java on Mac OS, Windows, and Linux.

    How to Become a Web Developer

    one of the biggest events for this language in 2017 is the release of the 9th version.

    2. C #

    Top-15-Programming-Languages of 2019

    This programming language is the multifunctional language covers almost any sphere relate to the digital world from mobile to game development. it is also basic programming if you want to be a good programmer.

    3. C 

    Top-15-Programming-Languages of 2019

    it is one of the oldest languages it serves as the basis for the creation of such trending programming languages like Java and c-sharp( C#).

    despite its age, the language is still popular due to its relatively simple syntax.

    4. JavaScript 

    Top-15-Programming-Languages of 2019

    this language was used for the development of such resources and Google and YouTube JavaScript has gained a great popularity for the last years.

    6 Tricks to Becoming a Web Developer

    now it is applied not only in front-end but in back-end and even hybrid mobile app development.

    5. Objective-C

    Top-15-Programming-Languages of 2019

    Objective C language is the primary language of iOS Application .it is an iOS app programming languages however it is also used in software development for Mac OS.

    6. Swift

    Top-15-Programming-Languages of 2019

    This programming language was presented to the general public in 2014 by Apple it allows written apps for iOS, Mac Operating System,  Apple watch, and TV OS.

    7. Python

    Top-15-Programming-Languages of 2019

    Python is the dynamic semantics of the language contributes to rapid development however it has a disadvantage like low speed and a lack of mobile apps written in it.

    8. Ruby

    Top-15-Programming-Languages of 2019

    ruby is a powerful language that is relatively easy to learn it's intended to provide the fastest to work with web applications and sites.

    9. PHP 

    Top-15-Programming-Languages of 2019

    it's one of the most frequently used website's coding languages it is server side language its syntax is similar to C language.

    How To Create A Simple Calculator in PHP

    10. Perl 

    Top-15-Programming-Languages of 2019

    perl is a web development language that is compatible with bytecode platforms also known as High-Level Programming.

    11. SQL

    Top-15-Programming-Languages of 2019

    using this language you may easily seek and receive a huge scope of data from big and complicated

    12. R

    Top-15-Programming-Languages of 2019

    R is also Programming language name it is often used the static software as well as for analyzing bigger data scopes.

    13. RUST

    Top-15-Programming-Languages of 2019

    RUST was created by Mozilla as an update for C and C++ and processes the same programming tasks and C it was created with security in mind so it's almost impossible to run insecure code
    written on RUST.

    14. GO

    Top-15-Programming-Languages of 2019

    GO was developed by Google's engineers the replacement for large-scale system development its language has a quite simple syntax and a big standard library with a variety of features.

    15. TIOBE 

    Top 15 Programming Languages of 2019

    this rating is based on the queries analysis of the 25 most popular search engines. comparing this year's results with 2018 we can say that there are no significant changes in the first 10 positions for quite some time the most popular coding language is still Java with 17.801%  rating.