Sunday, September 30, 2018

Website Legit Daftar Gratis 10 EDGE Dari Go Ethedge 2018

MauTrik - halo teman - teman balik laginih di kali ini saya dari MauTrik ingin ngasih taunih kusus buat para pencari dolar hehehe, cuman daftar di kasih gratis 10 EDGE atau setara 28$ wahh lumayan tuh guys kalo di rupiahin setara 360.000 ribu udah daripada kelamaan simaks tutorial nya.

  • Silahkan daftar nih guys website legit yang satu ini klik ➡ Go Ethedge

  • Kunjungi website legit yang sudah saya kasih link nya di atas lalu daftarkan

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Setelah selesai mendaftar kalian bisa ikuti misi misi nya, ingat harus mematuhi peraturan yang sudah di tetapkan dari Go Ethedge

Nah itulah website legit daftar gratis 10 edge dari Go Ethedge jika artikel ini bermanfaat buat teman - teman silahkan di share ke teman - teman kalian semua Terimakasih salam

Cara Nuyul Tanpa PC Boot Terbaru 2018

MauTrik - Halo teman - teman kembali lagi bersama saya di MauTrik Sesuai judul topik pembahasan kali ini saya dari MauTrik mau ngasih tutorial Cara Nuyul Tanpa PC Terbaru 2018 di jamin work dehhh hehehe 😃 okdeh gak usah lama - lama langsung saja simaks tutorial nya yah... Enjoyyyy


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Ok teman - teman kalo perlengkapan nuyul nya sudah siap langsung saja kita mulai nuyul nya.

Tutorial Nuyul ikuti step by step yah

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Pastikan VPN yang kalian gunakan tidak DC / Terputus yah, karna nnti simimin nya bisa tau hehehe

Ok itulah tutorial Cara Nuyul Tanpa PC Terbaru 2018, jika kalian suka dengan artikel ini silahkan kalian Share ke teman - teman kalian.
Terimaksih sudah berkunjung Salam MauTrik

Cara Nuyul Di Android 2018

Mautrik - Helo Guys Kembali lagi bersama saya di MauTrik kali ini saya akan memberikan tutorial Cara Nuyul ZA.GL Di Android, Cara Nuyul ini tentu saja tanpa root ya guys cuman mengandalkan aplikasi nuyul nya dan vpn dan tentu saja akses jaringan ya guys, ok langsung saya simaks tutorial Cara Nuyul ZAGL berikut ini.

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Jika sudah siap bahan - bahan nya langsung saja simaks tutorial Cara Nuyul ZAGL Di Android

Tutorial Nya ikuti Step - Step nya

  • Buka aplikasi VPN yang sudah kalian download, hubungkan ke server negara yang server nya cepat.

  • Buka aplikasi nuyul ZAGL nya
  • Masukan Full url yang sudah kalian Shortener
  • Untuk Delay nya 8 detik saja
  • Dan untuk maximum clicked nya terserah kalian jika ingin di tinggal tidur masukan saja 1000 / 2000
  • Jika sudah selesai Tinggal Click START

Contoh :

Penting : Perhatikan terus aplikasi vpn nya ya guys jangan sampai terputus.
Itulah Tutorial Cara Nuyul ZA.GL  Di Android.

Jika artikel ini bermanfaat untuk teman teman semua, silahkan di share ke teman teman kalian

Sunday, September 9, 2018

How to Build Relationships With Bloggers

DKDE || ||
Getting a backlink is considered one of the most hectic parts of SEO thanks to the advancement in the Google Algorithms - Rankbrain, Penguin 4 and Panda.

Building a lot of backlinks don't work now as it used to be in the past when a person bought 5000 backlinks in 5$, then he could easily see the website to the top of Google.

Now everything has changed. Google has become smarter than ever due to the advancement in technology-related fields like Artifical Intelligence, Machine Learning, and many other technologies.

Only those sites can exist in the future that are using the real ways to generate traffic and backlinks.


Here are the ways how you can build a relationship with a blogger for getting a backlink in the form of a guest post, not a love letter. :P

1. E-Mail Them 

The Improvement On That Website Needs Or Broken Links Awareness
Now people are so much busy, they don't get time in replying to the messages they receive daily in their inbox.

"You can say that this logo is not great, this grammar mistakes etc..."

Spam is everywhere. The best way is to give a suggestion to the blogger that this link is not working, send them an e-mail, they would thankful for you.

2. Following Them On Social Media, and Be Responsive

It's the best part I use social media where you impress the bloggers where you want to write a guest post.

You just have to visit his profile as you can bookmark so that you don't need to search his profile every time.

After being bookmarked the influential bloggers of your niche, you just have to reply to their post. Likes, comment and share.

It would build a relationship that would help you. It might take one month to 6 months.

3. Take an Interview And Publish

Who doesn't want to get fame? Everyone likes!

It's one of the best parts because you are building relationships as you talk in real life when you walk with that person face to face.

4. Be Supportive in His Facebook Group

It's the best way that I learned in my life that if you find the group of your target bloggers, then you have a lot of chances. You would build a relationship by helping the people who live in that group free of cost, in return, the person would love you.

After helping a few months, you can say to him to give an opportunity to publish a guest post.


Your guest post must be great that can be shared, it should not be a 500-word article. Try to read other guest posts on the great platform that would give you an idea how a good guest post is written.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Why SEO Will Never Die

First of all, I want to answer the question of why SEO will never die

If you know daily about 7 billion searches are done via Google Search Engine, which is about equal to the total population of the world.

The problem is that among those searches 10 to 20 percent are those searches on which Google is unable to give an answer.

Google's latest technologies like Rankbrain, Hummingbird, Machine Learning etc are giving the best answer to the question, but there are those questions too that have no answer.

Why there is no answer to the question? Why Google is unable to show the answer even as they have the most powerful minds, technologies, servers etc?


"Elegy written in a country churchyard line by line analysis" Google has no answer about it, it has 140 searches per month as per Keyword Everywhere.

Why SEO Will Never Die

What a great question it is, isn't?

It's because nobody has ever written an article on that, nobody has ever written something about that. If there is no answer on the internet to the question, how Google can find? They can find an answer that that will not be relevant to your questions that are useless.

Then you learn SEO, you find those keywords on which there is no article, but a lot of people are searching for it. A lot of people want an answer to the question. Then you find those keywords; you write articles, then you rank.

How you will find the keywords, that is a billion dollars question. 

Why SEO Will Never Die

You take the help of tools like SEMRUSH, Ahref etc, but you can find for free too with the help of Google Suggestions, Google Related Searches.

People say SEO is complicated, but it's not. 

Anybody can learn. It just needs patience and persistence. SEO has so many terms that you will understand as you read and practice those things. 

In simple words, you need to learn about these things in order to understand SEO well.

1. Learn On-Page

If you know by 2020, SEO will be 80 billion dollars industry. Can't believe? 

Write in Google Search; you will see Search Engine Land's article. Read that.

Right now, there is no competition in Pakistan in the world of SEO;

you can rank any website of any niche with some hard work. Why don't people work on Pakistani niche? 

Because they say the CPC of Pakistan is very very low, and they can't get Google Adsense for it.

As far as CPC is concerned, they are right. CPC is quite low. 

Why it's low? Have you ever thought? 

If you understand how Google Adsense works, then you will have a better idea.

Because Pakistani companies don't spend much money on Google Adwords, then it means low spending that makes low CPC. Can you imagine the future of Pakistan?

A number of internet users are increasing day by day, you can read the latest article on Propakistani that showed only 3G and 4G users have crossed 33 million whereas the rest of the users that use DSL are not in the data.

In a few next years, when the internet users will be more than 100 million, the websites that have been made now will be like gold in the future. came into being in 2008 when it used to get only a few hundred visitors per day; now it gets traffic in millions.

It's Google Adsense. Aamir Atta, the founder of Propakistani, didn't lose hope. He did hard work and has got success.

It's the best time to start this business. For starting this, you don't need programming. 

You just need hard work. I can help in every way either it comes to buying a hosting, domain, difficulty in making a site. You can ask anything.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

How to Earn Money via SEO If You're Not Good At English

The biggest problem is, a lot of People are not good at English, or perhaps it's the reason people don't want to learn SEO because they think English is important for SEO, but in reality, it's not

But for this, you must have strong knowledge of Keyword Research, Keyword Difficulty Analysis, and Backlink Building. If you're a regular reader of my SEO Episodes, I have taught all of such things.

Let's come to the point. How you can do the magic:

How to Earn Money via SEO If You're Not Good At English

1. Web Developer or Programmer

If your English is not good, you must learn some skills. Do you know Web Developing is the hottest job? According to some surveys, after a decade, there would be more jobs for web developing than people. And what I say,

Web Developing+SEO=Hydrogen Bomb

I am going to impress you, ready? :D

Take this keyword that I found "username generator."

It has "110,000 Searches per month", Ahref Difficulty 30, Moz Difficulty 21 as well as I tried to check its difficulty by opening all the sites one by one and their DA PA.

What I found is that all the sites can be defeated less than a year. All have low DA PA, and bad user experience sites.

How to Earn Money

If you're a good developer, you can build a website better than them with great user experience. Build quality backlinks. If you have watched my recent video on how to find backlinks opportunities, then making a backlink is a piece of cake. 

You can buy a domain with partial EMD as it's the case with Here Small is a brand name and SEO Tools is the exact keyword.

It means many keywords need no content or long articles. You will build websites on that keywords; then you will rank that site. It's your job, sign out Facebook, take a pen and a notebook, think and write. If you're a programmer, I love you because you're the hero of this world :D

2. Find the Niche That Needs No English

If you're not good at English, don't worry. Many niches need no English writing skills provided you have strong SEO knowledge.

You need an example of it, right? Ok!

Have you ever visited Filehippo that gives you latest software downloading link without cracked? You can do the same!

But how? Doesn't it have high competition? What an excellent question!

Let's come to the SEO basic! Have you read my SEO Articles that when you do SEO you have two options:

A) Find low competition keywords and rank with no or low-quality backlinks or social signals

B) Take any keyword and rank with quality backlinks

You will do the same! You will find the keywords of software which are low competition and have good volume. You will provide the software, and build good backlinks;

you will be able to rank. It would need some time because new sites might be in Google Sandbox.

Similarly, you can find other niches.

3. Freelancing

It's the best solution because you will offer your SEO skills to,,, and These are the authentic websites that pay 100%.

You must check your luck on such websites. You can make use of their search engine, check what type of SEO Services are being offered, then offer 'em.

 For example, some people want to be done SEO of some pages via SEO Yoest. You can easily do it.

you can also use  "Linkio is designed to give SEOs the right anchor text to build next, by using insightful data to help you make better-informed decisions.

There are many ways; you need to unlock your potential to see in many dimensions. Just visit a lot of websites in a day! Do different searches, observe, think and implement.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

How to Play a Game With Web 2.0 Blogs For the Best Result

SEO is hard when it comes to building quality backlinks to enhance the ranking.

You must have knowledge Web 2.0 doesn't work as it did a few years ago. Google has become so much advanced in detecting the links never like never before in history.

How to Play a Game With Web 2.0 Blogs For the Best Result

What does it mean?

It means you should never make a backlink directly whenever you create a new account.

You should write something great and exciting before giving a backlink to your blog that will be explained in the next part.

In SEO, you need a lot of patience, if you're patience-less, then you will hate SEO because it sometimes takes weeks to months to appear the result.

I would suggest you make accounts on the following websites even you know nothing about SEO! It would give you some advantages when you use an old account.

  1. (It's a free blog service. Jo Wordpress Site Hoti Hai Normal Wo Wordpress.Org Ki Hoti Han)
  2. Blogspot
  3. Wix
  4. Weebly
  5.  Tumblr

Today, it's your task to create an account on these 5 Web 2.0; then I would explain further tomorrow what to do next.

Use Opera, Firefox or Tor to make accounts on such sites. Use Yandex or other email service providers except for Gmail.

I explained Google tries to get every information about what you do online.

What is the CDN? Why It's Critical For SEO

Then I also explained how you could check the uptime of a hosting via website free of cost.

It doesn't matter how much fast hosting you have; you can make it even more quickly with a CDN. You might be thinking what the CDN is?

What is the CDN? Why It's Critical For SEO

CDN stands for Content Delivery Network. As the term tells that it's a network of servers all over the world (most cities) that store your website data (cache) for the fast delivering to the required user.

For example, you buy a local hosting of Pakistan, its server is only in Lahore. The user who lives in Lahore will be able to run the website fast which is hosted on the local hosting, but when the person who is living in the USA will try to open the Pakistani site it would take time.

So, what is the solution for it? How can you make your site faster to the user who opens your site while living in the USA? By CDN!

Yes, you will use CDN which is free. Use of Cloudflare. Today almost every website uses the CDN of CloudFlare because of its performance otherwise MaxCDN is the best if you have money.

Once you establish the CDN on your site, your site will be delivered to the servers all over the world. If the person lives in Paris, your website will be loaded fast thanks to the CDN.

It means even if you buy slow hosting; CDN will make your site faster? No, it's not the case. If your hosting is down, CDN will not help in this regard. Yes, it saves your bandwidth that you can check after putting your site by going to Dashboard.

If you have a question, you can ask.

Getting Free Stock Images That You Can Use Without Attribution

DKDE || ||
Who doesn't know a picture says a thousand words.

Let's come to the point.

Picking the best image for your article is the best way to make your article more appealing and interesting.

Complete Blogger SEO TutorialsA lot of people are confused that say they can't use Google Images because they can get a copyright issue. For this reason, they don't use.

Getting Free Stock Images That You Can Use Without Attribution

There are many websites of which you can use images without any credit and attribution. You don't need to give a free backlink to that site where you're getting.



I mostly use this website to find any image related to my article. If I don't find, I make my own as I showed in my Posts.


These are also the sites where you can use the stock photos without getting worried. There are many such sites where you can find. In simple words, those sites that offer CC it means you can use their images without any problem.

3. Google Image With Advanced Tool

Google knows our problems and it has tackled in a good way. Just go to Google 

Image>Tool>Labelaed for Reuse.

How to Use Images In Article Effectively

By the way, it's complete science which photo should be placed which should be great in looking.

Here you can see the best example of how stock images should be used (By the way, Is Main Sab Stock Images Hi Han Free Wali)

Why Sometimes It's Not Important To Check the Keyword Competition

Finding the competition of a keyword is the most controversial topics in the world of SEO. Everyone has his own way of finding that. The topic that I'm going to discuss is critical and important.

Newbies who make a new site, a lot of people tell 'em ky buy a SEMRUSH account and find a keyword that has a volume per month of 5000 and On-Page and rank.

But I say something different. I believe when you make a new site you should write on a keyword that a volume of 200 or less or zero. You should write anything you love and try to rank that.

Why Sometimes It's Not Important To Check the Keyword Competition

Because when you make a new site and write such articles that have good volume but are not getting ranked and you have waited for than a month and your keyword (or keywords if you're ranking the same article for the multiple keywords) You will be disappointed. You will never work in the field of SEO if you're making a mistake at the initial level.


Let's come to the point why you don't sometimes need to check the competition of the keyword. What a million dollars question it is, isn't?

As I gave an example of a keyword in my previous episode, the keyword is "Elegy wrote in a country churchyard" *Elegy Ek Sad Poem Hoti Hai, Jis Main Marny Waly Ky Bary Main Likha Jata Hai)

The above keyword has 8000 volume per month, so it's a somewhat high competition keyword. You can't rank first if you've made a new site. Why? Because:

1. All the top 10 competitors have used the keyword in the title, and in the article. Some of them in the URL. They have done great On-Page SEO.

2. This point is for those who need more technical otherwise above 2 points are enough to tell about the keyword. When you put the same keyword in Moz  (I have put the keyword in the link), and click on Analysis, you will check the keyword is above 40 which is high as per Moz article. The same LTP shows that  It means it's a somewhat high competition.

Then what should you do for making it a less competitional keyword?

 You will make use of Google Suggestions, and write A to Z after the keyword. For example, "Elegy wrote in a country churchyard a when you reach to L, you will find this result.

This keyword "Elegy written in a country churchyard line by line analysis" you will get and it has 210 per month searches and extremely low competition keyword. Why can you rank this keyword without checking any keyword? Because:

1. None of the competitors have done Good On-Page SEO Matlab Exact Itna Lamba Keyword Kisi NY Bhi Any Title Main Use Nhi Kiya. Matlab Competitors Bahrain Weak Hai. Kisi NY Bhi Is Par Article Nhi Likha.

2. Kisi Bhi Competitor Ki Intent (Niyat) Nhi Thi Is Par Likhni Ki, Google Intent Ko Dekhta Hai, Jo Ky Bara Weak and you will need to make a few backlinks also. Aur Kisi Ki Relevancy Bhi Theak Nhi.

(Agr Aap Ko Intent Aur Relevancy Aur User Experience Ki Samjh A Jye Samjh Apko Adhi SEO A Gye)
Article Written By M Aamir Mursleen