Saturday, October 28, 2017

How to Become a Web Developer

DKDE || || 

Today I'm Talking about how to become a web developer so I've been developing websites since 2012 and I've worked with many different languages over the years on many different types of projects.

The way to become a master web developer So let's Start

How to Become a Web Developer

1. Stick to one language and master that language

That's a very important point instead of jumping around learning a little bit of Ruby a little bit of Python a little bit of this a little bit of that what you want to do is you want to pick a particular technology whichever ones you prefer and then really understand it well and start building projects with it

How to Become a Web Designer 

so if you were to pick PHP for example then learn your basics learn your object-oriented programming in PHP and then pick a PHP framework,

Larry Bell is the most prominent import an important one but really any MVC framework that's up to date is a good choice

2. Learn the Langauge Well

You want to get deeper into the logic of programming and into the nuts and bolts of the language to learn how to use your particular language in an advanced way

so for instance with PHP you might want to get into anonymous inner functions get into recursion not only knowing what these are and how to do it but knowing when you'd want to use these patterns of coding if you will and as I mentioned just a few moments ago

3. Build Real Projects

A big thing is to build real projects you learn much more by actually building real things rather than just doing a bunch of tutorials so dive deep into real projects continue to spend some time on the side looking

Tricks to becoming Web Developer 

and exploring at more advanced ways to approach coding and stick to it until you become really advanced because the danger is to start spreading your self too thin and starting to learn 3, 4 0r 5 different frameworks or languages at the same time

you're going to have to mix it up when you're programming you always go to you know especially in web development you're typically going to be using at least Four languages


for sure those are three you for sure you're going to use and then after that for server-side programming you might be doing

PHP  you might be doing Ruby may be doing Python you might be doing Java there are other options as well

if you don't know what server-side programming is you should do my beginner's HTML course

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

How To Create A Website Popup

DKDE || || 

Today I'm gonna talk to you about how to create a good pop-up for Website. actually used to be really against pop-ups.

but then after I saw the power of them and after I increased conversions on our own website over 30 percent as a result of using them and really use pop-ups to monetize our blog to drive a lot more leads and then we rolled that service out to a whole bunch of clients some over a year ago.

I got really into it I know a ton about pop-ups I actually really liked them but only if you use them in the correct way. and that is what I'm going to talk to you about today.

What is a pop-up

A pop up is something that shows up on your website. it usually takes up a small amount of the page, and it asks the user to do something. to sign up for a newsletter, to fill out a lead form to you know to
sign up for a webinar anything you want.

How To Create A Website Popup

there's a lot of different ways that you can introduce to pop up on the weblog. you can set it so that it fires after a certain amount of time.

So you have time duration it can be one second, two seconds, ten seconds I usually like to fire the pop-ups based off of the time of the site, on how much people take spend time on your website, and you can get that data from Google Analytics.

That's one option you can also do it when they scroll down the page you can have it fire based off
of the percentage of the page that they've scrolled down, you can have it come in from a variety of different areas lower on the page, side of the page, top of the page.

There are full-page takeover pop-ups there are pop-ups that show up at the top a bar pop-up you name it. there are options for how you want to deliver the pop-up.

and that's important because each one of them has different implications as far as how it affects the user if it's a big pop-up that comes in and kind of takes over the whole page,

people usually get pretty upset, if you have a smaller pop-up that comes in after a couple seconds and it's not super evasive, you'll generally see that people read that, and then if you have the scroll down pop-up that comes up from the bottom after somebody's scroll down the page a certain percent that generally doesn't really annoy people too much at all.

That's the Least evasive one and you'll see a lot of success with all of them but you got to know the subtleties so let's start talking about that now 

How to Create A Website Popup

Every website has different've got different segments of your website. you have different pages of your website, certain pages are more popular than others. each page each your website has a specific intent you created that page for a reason.

a lot of people do is they make the mistake of creating a general pop-up that they just fire on all of their pages when that's the case you're usually only going to see a click-through rate or an email entry rate on those pop-ups between you know half a percent and maybe two percent or something like that.

That's really not an ideal interaction level so if you really want to be sophisticated with pop-ups it's not really a best practice just to go generally

I mean sure every once in a while you can and you can if you have something big you want to promote you want to get in front of all your traffic that's fine

How To Do Keyword Research

I've done that before but really the best way to do it is to look at your top landing pages and look at that report and then create pop-ups by individual landing page, that are specific to the goal that you want to accomplish on that page.

let's take that a step further, do you want to have a goal that's a hard goal meaning hard will or a macro goal like asking them for a lead or do you want to maybe fire a pop-up and then push them into something that's a little bit more subtle.

like a quiz that you've created or just ask for their email address, these are things you want to think about because the percentage of interaction that you have there is going to be a direct result of the ask and how much the ask kind of impacts the user and takes them out of their current environment.

Make individual landing pages for every single Popup

best case you're creating pop-ups based off of the individual landing pages for every single one, you can't always do that though so what happens is when you when it's too tedious it's better to just do your top twenty landing pages or so split test those refine those over time,

and then create segments for the top sections of your website and with those segments, you can fire pop-ups on those individual areas

another thing that's interesting about pop-ups is you can detect how the user came in, and fire pop-ups as a result of that,  you can fire pop-ups to people that come in from Google, from people that come in from Facebook, from people that come in from Bing.

so you can do it by traffic source medium you can do it by the device you can do it by location so if you really want to get sophisticated you could look at your top landing page and just fire two people from the US who came in from a referral site that you're advertising on, 

What is a 404 Error

so think how cool and integrated that gets and think how much time you can spend on it but that level of sophistication is what makes your interaction rate on the pop-up go from half a percent to 10,20 percent and really increase those leads so it's exciting stuff and think about those own those implications for your own business.

So the final piece of the pie for the pop-up is the creative and that's really the most important point you know is it just a basic question that pops up and then asks them it asks them to get into another series of questions is it a full-ask that comes out and says you know to sign up for our site right away

you know I've run one recently it's a picture of me it kind of tells how we can help the person that's performed very well but the creative is something you always have to be testing the images that copy most pop-up systems are gonna allow you to split test

the creative that you have and then determine the traffic percentage that you want to be pushing
to each piece of creative so always run tests never just run one I've always got a test going and we picked the winner and then we refine that and that's allowed us to maximize conversion significantly for clients and for ourselves.